Why print is still incredibly powerful (and valuable to your brand!)

Honest Communications, a specialist garden and home PR agency, social media management, content creation and communications agency

It may be true that we have moved the majority of our life online, whether it’s how we communicate with friends, find the answer to almost all of our curiosities and even how we choose to work. With such a big shift to digital, it’s easy to think that print, in all of its forms, is just a waste of time now, right? Wrong.

While the big wide web may have blown up over the past 10 years, print still has its place in the world. Of course, it’s faced its difficulties with the introduction of the smartphone transforming the landscape of how we consume news on the go, but securing coverage in those print publications can still be very, very valuable to your brand. Let me tell you why…

Cut out the noise

While the online world and social media can entertain and impress us with jazzy graphics, creative reels and videos, it can also be very distracting. It’s been estimated that we scroll, on average, an equivalent of 52 miles a year on different social media platforms. That’s a whole lot of content being viewed, and a whole lot of content you’re competing with!

Print is very black and white (except for the lovely images, of course). It cuts through the noise and gets your message across, allowing you to tell your story effectively and directly to the right audience. The digital world is still extremely valuable, there’s no denying that! But by utilising print publications, you can decide which ones are going to be the most effective for your brand by reviewing their readership demographic, helping you reach the right people in a more direct way.

Perfect on paper

The online space offers endless opportunity for creativity, but print can make an impact too. Picking up a well-established magazine, with thick glossy pages can often transfer meaning, helping to determine your products as the same value in a consumers mind. Plus, there’s nothing quite like flicking through a magazine and aweing over all of the inspirational images that have a lovely shine to them. It helps to make the colours in the image pop and also helps you bring the products to life in a way that the digital space can’t. It’s also a way for people to detox from the digital world, too. Many people value the time spent away from their phones and having something they can physically hold and keep means a lot more to them.

A trustworthy source

Although there are many legitimate places to find what you’re looking for online, most people find comfort in picking up a physical newspaper or magazine, because they know they’re reading the real thing. The world of influencer marketing can also be a foggy place for some who find it hard to believe someone who is endorsing a product. PR in print allows you to associate a brand with what’s seen to be by some as a more trustworthy mode of communication.

It’s also preferred among many, with online article often full of pop-up adverts and questionnaires. Print allows readers to read what they want, when they want, without distraction, letting them absorb the information they’re reading!

If you’d like to secure some print coverage for your brand, we can help! Get in touch via hello@honestcommunications.co.uk