A look into the world of interiors

Honest Communications, a specialist garden and home PR agency, social media management, content creation and communications agency

We may have the greenest fingers in PR, but it’s not just the gardening sector we specialise in – we’re all about home and interiors, too! From producing inspirational imagery and penning the hottest design tips, to predicting next season’s trends and working with the best interior influencers in the business – we put the right product in front of the right consumers, at the right time and place.

So, if you’re a brand looking to elevate your presence in the world of interiors, where should you start? Here are some of our top tactics to consider…

 Visual content is king

It goes without saying that home and interiors PR, whether in print or online, is heavily image led, so it’s essential that your brand has a wide selection of strong photography in your portfolio.

Consider the titles you want to be featured in. Different styles of photography suit different publications and audiences – you might want more bright, playful and contemporary designs for the likes of Real Homes, more opulent and luxurious imagery for World of Interiors, and more design-led, stylish sets for titles such as Livingetc.

There are some clear “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to interior photography. For example, make sure that the images and décor are relatable to the UK market, be mindful of what is visible in windows or mirrors, make sure the space is flooded with lighting and pay attention to detail.

Wherever possible, make sure there’s a selection of full room shots and close ups of products, as well as interior shots of any cabinets and a focus on key features.

A range of cut out and lifestyle shots is also essential, as is a variety of the same shot in portrait and landscape so that you can fill any gaps on an editor’s page!

If you’re lacking on the photography front, consider allocating budget to a photoshoot – room set photography allows you to control every element of your images, from lighting levels and set size to design and accessories.


 The power of the influencer

Influencer marketing, like in almost all sectors nowadays, is key in interior design! According to Instagram, a whopping 87% of people say that an influencer has driven them to make a purchase, and 80% of users follow a brand account – so it’s absolutely essential that interiors brands maximise the potential of working with influencers on Instagram.

But how do you choose the right influencer for your campaign? The key is to select individuals who will become authentic ambassadors of your brand, who already represent your values and who have an active, engaged audience.

Of course, in interior design it’s vital that your products fit with the influencer’s personal style – a traditional furniture brand, for example, won’t be a good fit for someone who champions a more minimalist, modern style.

Consider your long-term goals, rather than short-term results. Ad-hoc sponsored posts might product short bursts of interest and impressive statistics, but the key is to forge strong ongoing partnerships with individuals who will act as ambassadors.

Don’t be blind sighted by big numbers! Of course, a large following is impressive and offers the opportunity to reach more potential customers, but small can be just as powerful! Micro-influencers with a smaller but engaged audience can be just as effective in spreading the message to the right people than an Instagram “star.” It’s about engagement, not followers.

 Everything else (and the kitchen sink!)

Of course, as well as placing your brand’s beautiful lifestyle imagery in top target titles and securing endorsements from the best interior influencers out there, there are a whole lot more opportunities to tap into.

From penning expert design comments and interiors top tips on your behalf, to co-ordinating case studies, competitions, gifting and more, there are lots of ways we can help.

If you’re looking to generate buzz for your brand, whether it’s for a new product launch or ongoing interiors PR support, get in touch on hello@honestcommunications.co.uk.